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Religned – Supply Chain Enabled
Our Services
More than just supply chain management.


Religned is a professional services firm focused on all areas of Supply Chain Management from Planning and Replenishment to Ordering, Procurement to Warehousing and Logistics. We offer sustainable and value-added supply chain business and project consulting services. Religned - Supply Chain Management Religned - Supply Chain Enabled - Inventory Integrity Case Study
Store On-hand Inventory Integrity is Achievable

Have your retail stores experienced rising inventory levels in the backroom or gaping holes on shelves despite using best-in-class store replenishment technologies?


Religned - Supply Chain Management Religned - Supply Chain Enabled - Accounts Payable Case Study
Broadening the Perspective on Accounts Payable Exceptions

In recent years, a number of organizations have embraced new best-in-class, and often costly, invoice management technologies. A number of these tools promise significant efficiencies by automating the entire invoice lifecycle however organizations need to fully understand the internal issues causing these exceptions before embracing these investments.

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First Canadian Place • 100 King Street West, Suite 3700 • Toronto, ON Canada • M5X 1C9 | Phone: 416-238-1599 • Fax: 416-644-8801 • Email: info@religned.com